Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Module 3

You used an electronic index, a guideline index, and a web search engine to retrieve information relevant to your clinical problem. Compare and contrast your results. Which resources were useful/ not useful for your information retrieval task, and why?

The clinical problem that I decided to research was maternal use of SSRI’s and the effect on the neonate.  To begin, I did a google search which yielded no results.  I reworded my search to maternal use of antidepressants, this time I got only a handful of useful results but mostly it just brought up ads for different kinds of antidepressants. 
Next I searched the national guideline clearing house.  I found this method of retrieval difficult to use and never could find any results specifically aimed at my clinical problem. I was able to find information on the use of antidepressants but nothing in regards to their effect on the neonate when taken during pregnancy.
Lastly, I conducted a search on Endnote x4.  Using the World of Science and the Pubmed search data bases, I found over 200 publications that were relevant to my clinical problem. Needless to say, I found Endnote to be the most helpful way for me to search and obtain relevant information.  In Endnote, I am also able to organize my information by author or date.  It also allows me to make a file specifically for this particular search. 
I can see that each of these retrieval methods have their own strengths but for up to date professional research, I found Endnote to be the most helpful. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Module 2

What is one way you could become involved in designing, selecting, evaluating or implementing an information system in your workplace?

Honestly, I have never been involved with the above processes in regards to an information system in my workplace. However, there are systems that could be improved upon and also new ideas that could be implemented. About one year ago, our unit implemented the use of a new program used to view radiological films. It was introduced rapidly into the unit without adequate introduction or staff training. After working with it some over the past year, I can only perform basic functions within the program. There are other nurses in the unit that have experimented with it on their own and have found that it contains a number of useful tools that are not utilized by everyone. I feel that this program still needs to be properly introduced to staff and they need to be oriented to it sufficiently. If everyone in the unit were able to utilize it completely, things like communication with physicians about x-rays in the middle of the night would be more effective. New staff members would also be able to view the films and orient themselves to common and unique findings.

Just like any other newly implemented program, staff needs to be trained adequately to be competent and efficient in use of such. In-services, super-trainers and follow up training would ensure that the bulk of the staff felt informed and empowered to use the program. If this training does not occur, the staff is unable to utilize it to its full potential.